Rently is the premier electronic lockbox showing solution. Utilizing Rently’s lockbox showing solution, renters can instantly and securely access properties at their convenience. This method, also referred to as Self-Service Showing, is becoming the industry norm, and potential renters are expecting this service more and more.
Rently uses Sentrilock Lockboxes as a shell, with a Banking-level encryption technology that pre-loads millions of millions of codes onto each box, and is able to determine if each code entered is the correct code for that date and time. These are Motorized lockboxes with a 5 year lithium ion battery, made in the USA, and covered by our Partnership Guarantee.
Self-Showings aren’t going to work for every property, so Rently includes a dynamic & powerful scheduling platform with our system that allows renters to schedule agent-led showing based on your customized schedule.
Rently allows you to easily market your listing to a multitude of sites at the same time. This is great, but where the true power of our syndication lies is when it is combined with our auto-responder, which immediately and automatically reaches out to an interested renter, directing them through the process to set up a showing. Now every renter who contacts you not only gets instant gratification, they are given the tools to move through the showing process while other managers are still trying to just get in touch.
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It will take us six to twelve months to get it all posted, and we’ll keep posting more as time goes on, but there will be more than you can digest before the end of the year. I’ve been digging through our 35 years of document archives and there’s more than I thought.
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