Property Management Consulting Services

Managers across the country have asked us about a consulting relationship where we lean into their business one-on-one. We help them turn on the revenues, consider new documents, CYA training and generally help take their company to the next level.

We can customize a package to fit your needs either with or without documents. We can set up a stated term or do month-to-month where you can quit whenever you like. We’re open to customizing the task to your needs and time frame. Initiate a conversation by completing the questionnaire below.

Matt Manaker Charleston Training Property Managers Robert LockeWe're going on our 3rd year in our consulting relationship with Crown, primarily because Robert keeps coming up with new revenue streams and strategies that make us a better company. I figured we exhausted his list of valuable topics after 12 to 18 months but much to our surprise we're still learning valuable lessons every month. As a 14 year old management company with 500 properties that's saying a lot. Robert has truly taken us to the next level.

Matt Manaker, Owner/Broker, Charleston Home Rentals, SC

Some clients want all the documents, video libraries, forms, checklists, revenue streams, handbooks and training today and can download it all under this Crown NON-FRANCHISE OPTION. Many have asked us how to get it all and we’ve accommodated (or at least what we have on the site today and what we add to the site over the next 5 years. It’s kind of like a franchise (but without the big up front costs and 6% of your revenue for 10 years) BUT BETTER. We’ve developed our documents and training for 20 years and they are proven successful by our management company (which we sold out to a fortune 500 company). View the Motherlode

To initiate a conversation about this package complete the questionnaire on the right and we will reach out and answer any questions.   

Initiate a Conversation

Time is precious for both of us. If you’ll take the time to complete this questionnaire we’ll save a lot of time in our initial conversation. The more we know about you, your company and your model the less time we’ll spend getting basic information. Please take the time to answer these questions to jump-start our conversation.

Step 1 of 3

  • About your Model

  • Section Break

To Many Options?
Initiate a Conversation

Jason Yoss GoldenWest Training Property Manager Client Testimony

With almost 1400 units under management we completely embraced Robert's unbundling strategy (in his PMA agreement) and IT CHANGED EVERYTHING. My staff has estimated that we will collect an ADDITIONAL $650,000 in gross revenue this year from the ideas he shared . . . just in his PMA. We call it PURE ROBERT LOCKE CASH! The revenue started flowing in almost immediately.

Jayson Yoss, President GoldenWest, Las Vegas - Phoenix - San Diego