National Service Charity might be the only national non-profit in existence without a cause.

Our cause is defined by the donor or volunteer. We supply the non-profit structure, counsel and organization. You provide the agenda.

The private sector is 100 times more able to help build the social welfare than the government. We just need leadership. That would be YOU. Your brilliant charity idea, plus our non-profit infrastructure, will brighten someone's day.

Mission Statement: we mobilize volunteers into community service using donor designated funds

we unleash the American can-do-spirit to solve local problems with local people and local dollars

Core Objectives:

  • to give every donor the power to direct how and where their charitable assets are used
  • to mobilize volunteers with funding and proven strategies of compassion
  • to educate the volunteer industry through a database of community projects reviewed by donors and participants
  • to enable corporations to build their brand and reputation with their community and customers

Broad Goals:

  • to cultivate local donors who fund local projects which get accomplished by local volunteers
  • to transform community service in America into a transparent industry
  • to improve the social welfare by advancing community programs that cultivate self-reliance
  • to infuse the political dialogue of volunteerism with conservative American ideals of limited government, personal responsibility, and compassion without codependency
  • to showcase successful community service projects which are effective and sustainable
  • to direct thankfulness away from the government and back toward local donors and local volunteers
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View Our Expanding Line of Products

This is the part of our site where all the products, resources, videos, forms, manuals, handbooks, customized management agreements and leases, money-making ideas, CYA protections, checklists, service animal/comfort pet training and all you’ll ever need to run a safe and profitable management business. This is the “Mother Load”.

It will take us six to twelve months to get it all posted, and we’ll keep posting more as time goes on, but there will be more than you can digest before the end of the year. I’ve been digging through our 35 years of document archives and there’s more than I thought.

If you register we’ll send you notices as we post things so you’ll know what’s there and where to look for it.

Doc Assessment
Lease Agreement
Protect Yourself
Management Agreement
Scope of Service
Qualifying Guidelines
Buy/Sell a PM Co.
Starter Kit
Cashing In On PM
Client Support
Revenue Sharing
Onboarding New Owners
Preventing Litigation
Using Standard Forms?
PM Myths
Monthly Coaching

One on One

Video Training