Orlando Conference 2018

The Orlando NARPM Conference and Trade show included training from Robert Locke MPM, RMP in a breakout called Built to Grow. That presentation included fifteen training loops. We knew in advance there wasn't enough time for the whole presentation. 

We have prepared to present the rest of that education here through a video series which we are offering for free. Fill out the form below and you will receive each part of the class in your email one week after the other.

There are sixteen videos in all. 

Built to Grow Lesson # 1

How to structure your business to grow without crashing.

Everyone naturally builds their management processes to handle the number of properties they have today. Few realize that how they manage today, won’t work at double the size. What works at 50 MPH doesn’t work at 100 MPH. How you manage 300 houses doesn’t work at 500 houses. Just because it’s working today, doesn’t mean it will work if you grow. So, how does a manager evaluate their systems and processes in anticipation of doubling their number of houses? Join us in this workshop and we’ll show you. This workshop addresses the issues of streamlining your agreements and systems so you can add another 200 properties without the wheels coming off. Being scalable is relevant to everyone no matter what size they are today.

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Robert opens his schedule on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

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This is the part of our site where all the products, resources, videos, forms, manuals, handbooks, customized management agreements and leases, money-making ideas, CYA protections, checklists, service animal/comfort pet training and all you’ll ever need to run a safe and profitable management business. This is the “Mother Load”.

It will take us six to twelve months to get it all posted, and we’ll keep posting more as time goes on, but there will be more than you can digest before the end of the year. I’ve been digging through our 35 years of document archives and there’s more than I thought.

If you register we’ll send you notices as we post things so you’ll know what’s there and where to look for it.

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