Not Ready Yet?
If you’re not ready to tackle the customized management agreement at this time you might consider these alternatives.
1. PMA Modules are MORE than they appear
There is a lot more than just a customized management agreement, training and videos.
This package answers lots of managers most commonly asked questions including:
- How to hold on to your owner relationships 5-10 years
- Strategies for getting a much larger Procurement Fee
- How to get the owner happy to pay a big Renewal Fee
- How to get a Renewal Fee (even on a 24-month lease)
- How to get paid when there is no rent
2. You can receive these modules within a Monthly Consulting Package
This document package comes with the six month consulting agreement (with documents) program that Crown has been offering for two years with 60+ managers embracing across the country. This package includes ongoing consulting time with Robert and Monica, multiple document packages (with video libraries) and all the infrastructure to make your company safe, scalable, profitable and saleable. View our Monthly Consulting Package
3. You can receive these modules within The Motherload
You can also get ALL THE DOCUMENTS, TRAINING VIDEO LIBRARIES AND RELATED CONSULTING on our site by owning The Motherload (AKA the Crown Non-Franchise Option) for those who want everything right now. Click to View the Motherload
4. FREE Document Review
Several clients have asked us to evaluate their current management agreement (and/or Lease) and give them an assessment of its viability (scalability, profitability and safety) so we developed a Document Assessment Program where we take your agreement(s), evaluate it and send you a Report of Findings. This service comes with an hour of one-on-one consulting time to discuss what we found and make suggestions as to what you might do to tweak or revise your document. For a limited time we will be offering this for FREE. Click HERE to begin.
5. Initiate a Conversation
Go ahead and Initiate a Conversation so we can answer your questions about our service.

6. View our Course
Consider watching the video series What’s Wrong With Standard Forms. This is a series of four video we shot which addresses the dumb stuff people put in standard forms that make this business so much harder and more risky for the manager. Watch these short videos especially if you’re using your state association of realtor standard forms.
Initiate a Conversation
7. Sign Up for a Video Series
Consider signing up for our video series Things You Should Never Put in Your PMA. This workshop will open your eyes as to things most lawyers and state associations add to their management agreements that defeat scalability and profitability. You’ll be amazed at the material and it will make you more interested in developing your own customized agreement.
FREE Video Series
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FREE Video Series
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We understand that some are not ready to work through a customized PMA yet. We’re patient and will be here when you’re ready. In the meantime, you can be learning more about the benefits of a customized PMA using the options above.
Remember: this is much more than just the document. This is 35 years of experience wrapped up in documents (plus training videos) including all the proper disclosures to turn on the revenue streams and turn property management into a cash cow, CYA protections and things you didn’t even know you needed (and won’t even think about) until it’s too late.We have spent tens of thousands of dollars with our lawyer over the last three decades perfecting and revising these documents. They have prevented countless lawsuits and disputes with owners and have made us tons of money (literally millions). You will too if you acquire these documents and put them to work in your business. Or, learn from your own experiences over the next 25 years, make your own mistakes and create your own war stories and documents. The choice is yours.At Your Service,Crown Investor Institute, LLC.