Building YOUR
Customized LEASE
Class 1: Building YOUR Customized Lease
Before we jump into customizing your document we need to introduce you to some fundamental concepts which will help shape your thinking and prepare you for our down-in-the-weeds video training. The following videos will take some time, but they are important preparations for our discussions. You may have already seen some of these videos so there is no need to watch them again. Some are new to this series so don’t pass them up too quickly.
Midway through this video series you will be invited to complete a form to schedule a consulting time with us to answer questions and collaborate. After the last lesson (in the last class) you are again invited to contact us for consulting time. You get two consulting times in this package. You can reach out to us at any time to schedule these times.
Class 3: Building YOUR Customized Lease
Class 4: Building YOUR Customized Lease
Class 5: Final Wrapup for Building YOUR Customized Lease
(24 minutes and more coming)