Building A Property Management Infrastructure (201) Intermediate

Here we examine ‘the building blocks of property management.’ Every management company must establish a Scope of Service. a Model, their Management Style, build a Tenant Handbook, an Owner's Handbook and define your company's Job Description. If you want to build a smooth running management company you must start with these critical building blocks.

3 HR Class with Handouts

This workshop is 3 hours and can be taught with (or without) Georgia CE credit. Topics can also be adapted for conference breakout sessions or luncheon events. It is not state specific. See table of contents below.

3hr GREC Course #60005

3 Hour Class Description: 

Here we examine the six building blocks of property management. Surprisingly, every property manager does the same thing, in the same sequence, no matter what part of the country they practice. Everyone does it a little differently but the processes are the same nationwide. This workshop examines the six major building blocks of the management business. We’ll examine the manager's Scope of Service, Model, Management Style, and build a Tenant Handbook, Owner's Handbook and define their company's Job Description. If you want to build a smooth-running profitable management company you must start with these critical building blocks.

3 Hour Table of Contents
  1. Job Description
    • Owner’s Responsibilities
    • Shared Responsibilities
    • Manager’s Responsibilities
  2. Developing a Model
    • What type of property will you manage?
    • What type of owner will you manage?
    • What type of tenant will you manage?
    • Where will you manage?
    • What rent range will you manage?
  3. Management Style
    • Broker Style
    • Manager Style
  4. Scope of Service
  5. Tenant Handbook
  6. Owner Handbook

When we attended your seminar in Asheville in 2011, it truly changed our young property management business. Quickly we changed gears from thinking in a “realtor” mode to a true business mode with a business model. As Robert reiterated, property management is a nickel-dime business that can be profitable and rewarding if you create standards and infrastructure followed by commitment. We adapted changes and new policies almost immediately after your seminar and I am happy to report that it has truly changed our business and the way we view many issues we face weekly as a company. You served as a guidepost for us and we are most appreciative. We have often shared with others that the money we spent on Robert Locke’s seminar was the best educational dollars we have spent, hands down.

Carol King, CRS, ABR, SRES, ePRO Realtor / Broker, Licensed NC / SC